Back-to-school is a special time in the year. Some people are nervous to come back, others might be excited to see their friends. Sometimes, parents or grandparents are also stressed by this day for their child. That is why we will suggest you two different kinds of messages according to your situation: if you are a parent who wants to support their child, or if you want to announce your back to school. In any case, these following little pep talks will always give strength and smile to begin this day 💪
- The traditional photo 📸
Some parents take a photo of their child each year on the first day of school. As a tradition, this photo will be sent to the grandparents as it is a nice memory. When you are obliged to study away from your family, share this day with them can give you strength and motivation to begin this new year. So, we suggest you send them a little selfie! You will give them the possibility to see your smile and maybe the school in the background. 🏫 It will be like they are with you, no matter the distance! If your parents are nervous, it can be a good way to reassure them. You are strong, and you will discover many things during this new year 🎉
- A little GIF 👾
GIFs are very appreciated in the Love community! In the "school" category, you will find many ideas to announce you're back to school! We suggest to you the classical "hello school" 👋. It will explain clearly the theme of your day. You can send it to your parents, grandparents, and any person you want because it is neutral. You also can add a text to personalize it, and express your feelings 💬
- A GIF to encourage your child 💪
Parents are often like psychological support to face the special day. To give motivation to your child, we suggest you send an encouraging message. The GIF "dream big" can express the idea that everything is possible. It indicates to give the best to realize all dreams they have because they can do it! What is most motivating than to know that someone is supporting you during this day? 💪
It can also be a way to take care of your child, and to say "I'm here if you need it" without being intrusive (because often, the more children grow up, the more they want to be independent 😅). You can add a little cute text next to the GIF to accentuate your message.
- A good vibes sticker to begin the day ☀️
Sometimes, children can be nervous when back-to-school is coming. Remember that today is the day that can increase this feeling. So, beginning the message with a little sweet note can comfort them. A "good morning" with cute or fun nicknames can be sweeter and make your child smile. Also, you can add a little word on back to school to give courage to your child (that is the real goal of the message 😅). ✊
Whether you are parents or child to face this new day, the most important is to feel closer to your relatives if you need it. Share your feelings can decrease stress and increase love! As the Lovebox is a way to communicate without a direct answer, you can still receive or send a waterfall heart to the sender. Like a sign of affection and a thanking, it will fill the heart with love of the receiver 💌